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An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

Scuishy #animation #anappleadaykeepsthedoctoraway

Upload : 1 month ago...

2025-01-26 00:31 11 Youtube


Upload : 4 weeks ago...

2025-02-26 00:25 503 Youtube

Round #music #anappleadaykeepsthedoctoraway

Upload : 4 weeks ago...

2025-02-26 00:24 11 Youtube

Juice world edit #music #memes #anappleadaykeepsthedoctoraway

Upload : 4 weeks ago...

2025-02-26 00:12 51 Youtube

An apple a day keeps the doctor away .


2017-02-23 01:41 11 Dailymotion

Mr. Bean - An apple a day keeps the doctor away

You read it! ! Well..what are you doing in front of your computer? ? Go eat an apple..: DMr. Bean

2014-11-10 00:17 49 Dailymotion

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away - Nursery Rhyme

An apple a day keeps the doctor away and who doesn't love a scrumptious pie made out of the fruit! Here is a rhyme that talks about all the goodness an apple ha...

2017-07-15 01:18 36 Dailymotion

An apple a day keeps the doctor away - English Proverb

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. This proverb couldn't be truer, because an apple is a great source of nutrients that build immunity! It drives away disea...

2017-07-15 01:07 15 Dailymotion

An apple a day keeps the doctor away in hindi I An Apple


2017-11-06 01:09 6,471 Dailymotion